Sunday, September 12, 2010

Specialized Sports in Relation to Fundamental Movement Skills

After reviewing chapter one of Developmental Physical Education for All Children I have come to an interesting conclusion. This is that complex specialized sports are just combinations of fundamental movement skill acquired during the motor development phase of a child's life. Movement skills such as locomotion, manipulation, and stability stand for a broad array of different minor skills, and the mastering of these three areas at a young age allow for children to function in a sports setting. This is so fascinating to me. Obviously their is some genetic variables in athleticism among children. After learning these principles I feel as though through a carefully constructed teaching program I could take children with "low" athletic ability and train them to be great athletes. Helping children in primary and elementary school develop and refine these basic movement skills could really impact their lives as they mature. Allowing children to be more active and sociable, hopefully stopping this obesity epidemic that seems to tearing through the new generations, and instill a sense of life long fitness.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Trent. This is a great step towards developing you'r young professional career. Keep up the great work.

