Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chapter 7 (Rink)

  • Six behaviors a teacher can engage in during an activity that have the potential to to directly contribute to a lessons objectives are; maintaining a safe learning environment, clarifying and reinforcing tasks for learners, observing and analyzing student responses,providing feedback to learners, changing or modifying tasks for individuals and small groups, and maintaining a productive learning environment. 
  • Specific feedback is a good tool in keeping an off-task student on task. This is because when a student is given a general feedback like "Good" the student has no idea what "good" may mean. It could stand for a multitude of actions they are doing and cause confusion. So specifically telling the student what they are doing "good" keeps them involved. Also making sure the student has an understanding of what you as a teacher are trying to teach them will help the student stay on task. This will allow for less confusion on the part of the student. 

Examples of feedback

    General: "Good Job"

    Positive: "Nice follow-through on that throw"

    Directed to Class: "Many of you are dribbling with your palms. Make sure to use your finger pads."

    Evaluative: "The class has improved 50% since last time."

    Specific: "Nice job dribbling the ball with your finger pads" 

    Negative: "Don't dribble the ball that way"

    Directed to a Group: "Maybe you four should try and toss around the beach-ball first." 

    Incongruent: "Don't throw the ball until you make eye contact with him."

    Corrective: "Jaimie bend your knees more."

    Specific: "Good work while crossing the finish line. I liked the extra effort." 

    Positive: "Gina you are doing great with your pitches today." 

    Directed to an Individual: "John try and swing your hips into your swing. This will help with your follow-through." 

    Corrective: "Swing your hips."

    Congruent: "Your forward step was not big enough."

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